

Does It Pass God's 3-Question Test for Truth?


If a prophet or religion fails any one of God's three questions, that prophet or religion is not from God. Mormonism fails all three of God's questions!

Mormons may give their testimony saying that they know that Mormonism is true and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. However, God gave His testimony by these three questions. He says that Joseph Smith was a false prophet and Mormonism is a false religion.

Since God gave us clear instructions which demonstrate that Mormonism is false, it is wrong to pray to ask if Mormonism is true. To pray about the truthfulness of Mormonism is similar to asking God if it is okay to steal. He has already provided instructions on both these subjects. Any answer received to either of these prayers (about stealing or Mormonism) is irrelevant!

It is dangerous to reconsider an issue after God provides a clear answer. Consider the prophet whom God told not to eat or drink in the city where he prophesied. Another prophet told him that he had new information from God saying that he should eat with him. The prophet ignored God's prior instructions and followed the "new revelation." He was killed by a lion as a result of his disobedience (see 1 Kings 13:1-25).

Mormons are not ignorant or evil. They are typically very good people who desire to serve God and their families. Unfortunately, they have been sold a very sophisticated lie designed to keep them from experiencing all that God provided for them. Jesus died to set Mormons free from the lies of the enemy. However, that information will not help them if we do not lovingly confront them with the truth.

Table of Contents


 Learn more about the true Gospel of the Jesus Christ and how to know you are going to heaven.

Mormonism, Does It Pass God's 3-Question Test for Truth?

Attention: The material in this book attempts to accurately describe official Mormon doctrine in certain important areas. Therefore, quotes are included from several authorized sources of Mormon doctrine. However, this book does not claim to be authorized by or endorsed by the Mormon Church.

Copyrights of quoted Mormon materials belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church) or the copyrights are under their control.

Quotations from the Bible are from the King James Version.

This book by Sonny Bowman is used by permission. If you have questions or comments, please check the Frequently Asked Questions page or contact Sonny Bowman or check the links to Related Sites.

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