There are two extreme dangers that we all need to avoid on the subject of Satan.

 1). Many people in the world today do not believe that the devil exists. This puts them in danger because when he does attack them with his fiery darts they are defenseless not knowing where the attack is coming from.


The Bible is very clear that their is a devil and it teaches us everything that we need to know about him. Satan has a real personality; he hates, he deceives, he destroys, he steals, he tempts and he is the father of every lie. We should not be ignorant of Satan's powers and devices.

2). Another danger is to have a concern or obssession with Satan and his demons more so than you may have about God. There are certain things we need to know so we are not in complete ignorance of his tactics. But that is all the farther it should ever go. God must always be our first desire.

   We need to set the Lord always before us. To put Jesus Christ in the center of every thing we do is to keep Satan out.