Jesus Christ died as a substitution for mankind who deserved death for their sins (2 Corinthians 5:21). Substitution means He died in our place! Even though every person is guilty of sin, God Himself provided the payment, He has paid the debt of sin in full (1 Peter 2:24).



 JJesus Christ died for you and me. There is no greater love than this! Just think, Jesus loves you so much, that He left heaven to die for you, so you could be forgiven and go to be with Him in heaven when you die.




This is very good and exciting news! No longer do we have to be separated from our creator in heaven, because Christ has made a way for us all to be forgiven by His death on the cross. Jesus Christ died for every man, woman, boy and girl (John 1:29; 1 John 2:2) but can only save those who ask Him to be their Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9).





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